Chores and Errands Vocabulary



Exercices for Making Appointments

DO THE CHORES(V) completing unpleasant but necessary tasks

do the dishes(V) cleaning your plates, bowls, glasses, and silverware

do the laundry(V) cleaning your clothes

make dinner(V) to prepare the last meal of the day, which is usually served in the evening

sweep(V) if you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or garbage off it using a brush with a long handle

vacuum(V) to use a suction device to clean your floor or rug

RUN AN ERRAND(V) to take a short trip that you make in order to do a job

go grocery shopping(V) to purchase foods that you buy at a grocery or at a supermarket

take the dog for a walk(V) to bring your dog outside and walk it around for exercise

drop off(V) take something to a place and leave it there

pick up(v) gather or collect

mail(V) when you send something to someone by mail

make a reservation(N) when you arrange for something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you

make an appointment(v) arrange to see someone at a particular time

on time(V) to arrive at a destination at a predetermined time

running late(V) to arrive at a destination later than a predetermined time


a long time(V) a period of time that feels distant from the present day which is relative to each individual

spend time(V) if you spend time or energy doing something, you use your time or effort doing it

pass (the) time (doing something)(V) spend it in that way

take a break(V) rest or change from what you are doing for a short period


catch a cab(V) when you get in a taxi in order to travel somewhere

commute(V) when you travel a long distance to work every day

ride a bike(V) when you ride a bicycle or a motorcycle, you sit on it, control it, and travel along on it

stuck in traffic(PHRASE) to be caught in a area stopped with lots of cars while you are driving

subway(N) an underground railroad

take (someone) to (a place)(V) to transport someone or something to a place for a specific reason

travel by bike(V) to go from one place to another while riding a bike

travel by bus(V) to go from one place to another while riding in a bus

travel by car(V) to go from one place to another while riding in a car

travel by plane(V) to go from one place to another while riding in a plane

travel by subway(V) to go from one place to another while riding in a subway car

travel by taxi(V) to go from one place to another while riding in a taxi

travel by train (V) to go from one place to another while riding in a train

travel on foot (V) to go from one place to another while walking
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Stative Verbs

Stative Verbs

Stative verbs describe states and feelings (not actions). They are not used in the present continuous

I feel sad. (stative)

I jump on the bed. ( not stative)

BBC Stative Verbs - Definition and Exercises

Perfect Grammar Stative Verbs - Definition and Exercises
Watch this video to review Stative Verbs
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English Language Jokes

-Me han contratado como profesor de inglés.
-¿Trabajo estable?
-No, mesa es table. Trabajo es work.

- ¿Nivel de inglés?
- Alto.
- Traduzca "amarillo".
- Yellow.
- Úselo en una frase.
- Me da un vaso con mucho yellow por favor?
- Contratado

-Nivel de inglés?
-Diga "arriba en estas ciudades".
-Up in these cities.
-Haga una frase.
-Me operaron de up in these cities.

¿Sabe usted ingles?

—¿Nivel de Inglés?
—¡10! Lo domino.
—Ok. ¿Qué significa "I am"?
—¡Una de la mañana!

- Buenos días, me gustaría alquilar "Batman Forever"
- No es posible, tiene que devolverla tomorrow.

- ¿Nivel de inglés?
- Alto
- Traduzca "Yo libro los lunes"
- I book on mondays
- Contratado.

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