English Writing: Things Have Changed

Five years ago my bedroom used to be small, but now it´s bigger than that one because I change my room. My family used to move to other place, and now I live alone.  In the other side my friends used to go out of Spain, and this year they come back because they get a new job here in Spain. Five years ago I used to go to university, I studied economics and journalism. And now I´m looking for a work.  In the past I used to like comical movies and funny TV programs. In this time I like mystery movies because it´s more interesting. And finally five years ago I used to think that I live in Madrid, but now I think that I have to go out, maybe The United States.

In this moment my home used to is  in Madrid but when I was a teenager I lived in other city.
I used to  lived with my parents in the past but now I live with my husband
I have very lucky because My friends used to were when I need them even now.
Last year I used to worked in a production company but now I am looking for a job because in beginning of the year I lost my job.
When I was a teenager I used to liked a romantics films although now I like intrigue movies too.

My old customs.

There is credence that the old person have more rarities than young people.
In my case, it isn´t. When I was a little girl, I have many rarity. For example, I didn´t use to go up elevator of mi home. Now, I don´t use to go up stairs. Before, I always used to sit in the same place of sofa. Now, I use to sit in the place is free.
When I was young, I used to meet with my friends all afternoons. Now, we use to meet only the Saturdays. I used to go my work in subway, since some months I use to go my work in my car. Before, I didn´t use to see the films in English. Now, I used to see the films in her original lenguaje. There is some examples that the customs change with the step time, the people doesn´t change our customs by her age.
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1 comment:

  1. For my dad's job, my life do several changes every four years.
    We travel around the world, we can go in any city where there are a Argentinian Embassy.
    This can sound terrible, but after many mounths in the new country, you start to know new people, places, the lenguage, everything... and you do not miss your home country anymore.
    The bad thing of this life style, is you loss many friends around the world, and you are far away from your family and neighborhood. But under the cultural point of view, you will do a very rich and lucky person.


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